1. Grodno State Medical University
Objective. To study the effect of local photodynamic therapy (PDT) on local immunity in patients with maxillofacial region and neck phlegmonas.Materials and methods. The study included 62 patients with phlegmon of the maxillofacial region and neck. Two groups of patients were formed. Patients of the 1st group were treated locally according to the traditional methods. Patients of the second group additionally underwent local PDT on the background of the complex of traditional therapeutic measures.Results. Under the influence of local PDT with the preparation «Fotolon» in patients with maxillofacial region phlegmonomas in the postoperative wound we observed activation of phagocytosis, an increase in the population of CD3 + T-lymphocytes, subpopulation CD4 + T-helper, immunoregulatory index (IRI) with a simultaneous decrease in the level of CD8 + T-lymphocytes, The decrease of CD25+ activated Tand B-lymphocytes carrying the receptor for interleukin 2, and CD95+ activated Tand B-lymphocytes carrying the Fas-receptor, the decrease of complement activity, circulating immune complexes (CIC), IgM, IgA levels with an increase of IgG.Conclusion. Local PDT activates local immunity in patients with maxillofacial and neck phlegmons. Exposure to PDT causes a more balanced immune system response by increasing the innate immune response in patients and a pronounced immunological reactivity in the region of the postoperative wound.
Gomel State Medical University
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