Arif Sardar Hassan,Mohammed Ayad Ahmad
A 14-year-old female patient presented with acute generalised abdominal pain and two attacks of non-bilious vomiting for 2 days. She visited the emergency department and at presentation she was pale, dyspnaeic and there was no jaundice. Abdominal examination showed moderate abdominal distension with generalised abdominal tenderness. The bowel sounds were negative on auscultation. Plain abdominal X-ray showed hugely distended stomach with no free air detected in the peritoneal cavity. During laparotomy there was huge distension and gangrene of the stomach involving the whole stomach up to the fundus. Total gastrectomy done with roux-en-y reconstruction of the gastrointestinal continuity. The histopathological study of the sample showed gastric necrosis.
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