1. Population Censuses and Surveys. Census 1961 England and Wales, county report: Nottinghantshire. Table 6;I Office of
2. Population Censuses and Surveys. Sample census 1966 England and Wales, county report: Nottinghamshire. Table 2a;Office of
3. Population Censuses and Surveys. Census 1971 England and Wales, county report: Nottinghamshire. Table 8;Office of,1973
4. Population Censuses and Surveys. Census 1981 England and Wales, county report: Nottinghanshire. Table 6;Office of,1982
5. Attendance at a London casualty department. J7 R Coll Gen Pract;Wilkinson, A.; Kazantzis, G.; Williams, D.J.; Dewar, R.A.; Bristow, K.M.; Miller, D.L.,1977