1. EMTALA. Emergency medical treatment and active labor act of 1985, 1986. Pub L No. 99-272, 42 USC §1395dd.
2. American Hospital Association. Trendwatch chartbook 2016: trends affecting hospitals and health systems. Table 3.3: emergency department visits, emergency department visits per 1,000 persons, and number of emergency departments, 1994-2014, 2016.
3. Skinner HG , Blanchard J , Elixhauser A . Trends in emergency department visits, 2006-2011. HCUP Statistical Brief #179. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014. https://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb179-Emergency-Department-Trends.pdf (accessed 06 Dec 2017).
4. Emergency Physicians: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield policy violates federal law [press release] . Washington: PRNewswire-USNewswire, 2017. http://newsroom.acep.org/2017-05-16-Emergency-Physicians-Anthem-Blue-Cross-Blue-Shield-Policy-Violates-Federal-Law (accessed 06 Dec 2017).
5. Emergency Departments, Medicaid Costs, and Access to Primary Care — Understanding the Link