1. Stekolnikov A.A. Veterinary orthopedics / Stekolnikov A.A., Semenov B.S., Molokanov V.A., Veremey E.I. // textbook for universities, Moscow, 2021. Ser. Higher Education (2nd edition, revised and enlarged).
2. Clinical orthopedics and shoeing of horses: Textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions / E. I. Veremey, V. M. Rukol, V. A. Zhurba [and others]. – 2nd electronic edition, stereotypical. - St. Petersburg: Limited Liability Company "Kvadro", 2021. - 268 p. – EDN HJRPME.
3. Titova, E. V. Etiology of sports injuries in show jumping horses / E. V. Titova, A. A. Stekolnikov // Hippology and veterinary medicine. - 2022. - No. 1 (43). - S. 24-31. – EDN LIJZIC.
4. Care and diseases of horses: Textbooks and teaching aids for SPO / A.A. Stekolnikov, A.F. Kuznetsov, V.B. Galetsky, L.Yu. Karpenko, B.S. Semenov, K.V. Plemyashov, A.V. Yashin. - / St. Petersburg: Series Secondary vocational education, 2021. - 268 p. – EDN HJRPME.
5. Incidence and treatment of tendonitis and tendovaginitis in trotting horses Babakov N.V., Chernigova S.V., Chernigov Yu.V. In the collection: Scientific and technical support of the agro-industrial complex, state and development prospects. 2016. S. 57-59.