1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «North Caucasian Scientific Agrarian Center»
This article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the reproductive capacity rates of cows, which were inseminated at different time after anthrax vaccine. The studies were carried out on Black Pied cows at the age of 1-3 lactations. The first experimental group included animals, which were inseminated from the 1st to the 15th day after vaccination. The second group included cows, which were inseminated from the 16th to the 30th day after vaccination. The animals, with the period from vaccination to insemination from 31 to 60 days, were the control group. The experimental animals were studied from a perspective of the insemination index, the duration of the service period and the percentage of animals, which were productively inseminated during the first heat after vaccination. A comparative analysis of the studied characteristics indicated that the largest insemination index, the longest service period and the smallest percentage of productively inseminated cows were established in the first experimental group. The insemination index in the first experimental group was 0.25 more than in the second experimental group and 0.41 more than in the control. The duration of the service period for the experimental groups was 137.7, 126.8 and 116.1 days. 18.0%, 57.6% and 60.6% of cows were productively inseminated during the first heat after vaccination, respectively. After doing some research, we came to the conclusion that the low reproductive capacity of cows of the first experimental group might be related to impaired embryogenesis and embryo implantation failure during the period of immune development. It was reflected in the animals of the first experimental group. In terms of reproductive capacity, animals of the second experimental group were close to the control group.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
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