Dairy productivity and reproductive capacity of cows with different methods of maintenance


Aminova Al'bina


Abstract. The conditions of keeping cattle should meet the biological requirements of the animal body as much as possible and contribute to the fullest realization of their genetic potential. In this regard, the study of the influence of housing conditions on the productive qualities and reproductive ability of cows is an actual, scientifically based research area. The aim of the study is a comparative assessment of tethered and non-tethered content in the study of the reproductive capacity and the level of milk productivity of black-and-white cows in the postpartum period. Methods. The results of the work are based on analytical, biometric, statistical methods and the authors ' own research. Results. In their studies, they found that the highest indicators for most parameters of milk productivity were cows with loose content: milk yield – by 1153.3kg (or 18.2 %), milk yield coefficient – by 198.7kg (or 16.4 %), the amount of milk fat – by 2.7kg (or 1.08 %), protein – by 9.7 kg (or 4.9 %) (P > 0.95) more in comparison with cows with tied content. Despite the manifestation of hunting, early insemination does not have any advantages over insemination at a later time, regardless of the methods of maintenance. Cows on the tethered method of keeping, which pass through three normal sexual cycles before insemination, have good fertilization rates (92.1 %). Cows on the loose method of keeping showed the highest percentage of pregnancy (92.7 %) for three months of accounting and more after calving. In general, the use of a complex of bioregulators allows you to get fairly high results of stimulating hunting, regardless of age and conditions of detention, which is an indicator of the activation of the ovarian follicular apparatus and the normalization of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of animals. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the indicators of productivity and effectiveness of insemination of cows at different times after calving and on the number of lactation, depending on the tethered or non-tethered methods of maintenance, are established.


Urals State Agrarian University

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