System of antiepizootic and preventive measures against Dirofilariasis of dogs in the Ararat region of Armenia


Slobodyanik R. V.1,Zykova S. S.2,Shcherbakov O. V.3,Lunegov A. M.1


1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

2. Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

3. Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia; National Agrarian University of Armenia, Republic of Armenia


The article analyzes the spectrum of diagnostic methods for establishing the invasion of dirofilariasis, describes the mechanisms of development of the epizootological situation of dirofilariasis, the complication of which is facilitated by the climatic features of the region and the lack of a clear algorithm for prevention. In order to increase the effectiveness of preventive treatments against the main vectors (mosquitoes), the calculation of the season of maximum infection with dirofilariae in the Ararat region of Armenia was carried out. Entomological exploration was carried out in order to establish the species composition of mosquitoes and the main vector of Aedes caspius was determined. A system of antiepizootic and preventive measures for dirofilariasis of dogs in the Ararat region of Armenia has been developed, which includes two lines of protection: the first line of protection includes preventive deworming with drugs from the group of macrocyclic lactones, the second group of protection consists of repellent agents (pyrethroids, cyflutrin, piperonylbutoxide and diflubenzuron).


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

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