A Quantum Model of Interdependence for Embodied Human-Machine Teams: A Review of the Path to Autonomy Facing Complexity and Uncertainty


Lawless W.F.,Moskowitz Ira S.ORCID,Doctor Katarina Z.


In this review, our goal is to design and test quantum-like algorithms for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in open systems to structure a human-machine team to be able to reach its maximum performance. Unlike the laboratory, in open systems, teams face complexity, uncertainty and conflict. All task domains have complexity levels, some have low, and others high levels. Complexity in this new domain is affected by the environment and the task, which are both affected by uncertainty and conflict. We contrast the individual and interdependence approaches to teams. The traditional and individual approach focuses on building teams and systems by aggregating the best available information for individuals, their thoughts, behaviors and skills. Its concepts are characterized chiefly by one-to-one relations between mind and body, a summation of disembodied individual mental and physical attributes, and degrees of freedom corresponding to the number of members in a team; however, this approach is characterized by the many researchers who have invested in it for almost a century with few effects that can be generalized to human-machine interactions; by the replication crisis of today (e.g., the invalid scales for self-esteem, implicit racism, and honesty); and by its many disembodied concepts. In contrast, our approach is based on the quantum-like nature of interdependence. It allows us to theorize about the bistability of mind and body, but it proposes a measurement problem and a non-factorable nature. Bistability addresses team structure and performance; the measurement problem solves the replication crisis; and the non-factorable aspect of teams reduces the degrees of freedom and the information derivable from teammates to match findings by the National Academies of Science. We begin with a review of the science of teams and a focus on human-machine team research in the laboratory versus the open; justifications for rejecting traditional social science while supporting our approach; a full understand of the complexity of the domain, tasks in the domain, and how teams address both; the mathematics involved; a review of results from our model versus the open field; a discussion of the results; conclusions; and the path forward to successfully advance the science of interdependence and autonomy.



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