
Martusevich Andrey K.1,Kovaleva Lida K.2,Solovyeva Anna G.1


1. Privolzhsky Research Medical University

2. Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Aim. To study the crystallogenic and initiating potential of biological fluids in rats under normal conditions and when modeling a contact thermal injury. Material and methods. To this end, we used our own model of contact thermal burn. This experiment involved the impact of a hot plate on the back of the animal, with the lesion area amounting to 20% of the body surface (3rd degree burn). This model of thermal injury was reproduced in 30 Wistar rats. 24 hours after the burn experiment, the animals were subjected to blood tests. Subsequently, an evaluation of the blood crystallogenic and initiating properties was performed. The range of basic substances used in teziographic tests was rather conventional and included 0.45, 0.9 and 3% sodium chloride solutions, as well as 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions. The results of own and initiated crystallization of biological fluids were evaluated using the authors’ system of semi-quantitative indicators. Results. It is found that, in comparison with intact animals, micro-preparations of dried blood serum from rats after thermal trauma demonstrate a significant inhibition of both own crystallization and that initiated by various basic substances. This phenomenon is manifested in a significant decrease in the index of structural facies (in a crystalloscopic test), the main teziographic coefficient and the belt coefficient. The pathological nature of the observed shifts in the crystallogenic properties of biological fluids emphasizes a sharp increase in the degree of destruction demonstrated by the crystalline elements of the blood samples of rats in the main group. Conclusion. The conducted research shows that a model thermal injury in rats is accompanied by significant shifts in the crystallostasis of an animal organism, which are manifested in a significant change in the crystallogenic and initiating properties of the blood serum.


Kuban State Medical University


General Medicine

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1. Experimental Evaluation of Cryoprotector Systemic Effects;Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin;2019-12-19







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