Development of Autonomous Navigation System Using 3D Map with Geometric and Semantic Information


Aotani Yoshihiro, ,Ienaga Takashi,Machinaka Noriaki,Sadakuni Yudai,Yamazaki Ryota,Hosoda Yuki,Sawahashi Ryota,Kuroda Yoji


This paper presents an autonomous navigation system. Our system is based on an accurate 3D map, which includes “geometric information” (e.g., curb, wall, street tree) and “semantic information” (e.g., sidewalk, roadway, crosswalk) extracted by environmental recognition. By using the semantic map, we can obtain the suitable area to keep away from undesired places. Furthermore, by comparing the map with real-time 3D geometric information from LIDAR, we obtain the robot position. To show the effectiveness of our system, we conduct a 3D semantic map construction experiment and driving test. The experiment results show that the proposed system enables accurate and highly reproducible localization and stable autonomous mobility.


Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,General Computer Science

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