Urban Flood Inundation Model for High Density Building Area


Farid Mohammad, ,Mano Akira,Udo Keiko,


In this paper, the development of a flood inundation model considering the effect of buildings in dense urban areas is purposed. A 2D overland flow model is coupled with a 1D channel model to simulate flood inundation with an exchange of flow between rivers and surface floodplains. The momentum equation in the overland flow model is modified in order to consider urban flood characteristics. The “sharing rate,” which is defined as the occupancy area of building in each grid of a model domain, is applied to represent the effect of a building Drag force that occurs due to the reaction of force acting on a building is included. Hydrological processes are accommodated by combining a tank model in outsource terms. The model is applied to the downstream part of the Ciliwung River basin where Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is located. Results regarding the water level and inundation map are compared with observed data and show fair agreement.


Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


Engineering (miscellaneous),Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality

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