1. Kimberly Research and Extension Center; Univ. of Idaho; Kimberly ID 83341
2. Dep. Horticulture; Univ. of Wisconsin; Madison WI 53706
3. USDA-ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit; Madison WI 53706
4. Wysocki Produce Farms; Plainfield WI 54966
5. Dep. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, San Luis Valley Research Center; Colorado State Univ.; Center CO 81125
6. USDA-ARS Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit; Aberdeen ID 83210
7. Dep. Horticulture; Washington State Univ.; Pullman WA 99164
8. School of Food and Agriculture; Univ. Maine; Orono ME 04469
9. Dep. Soil, Water, and Climate; Univ. Minnesota; St. Paul MN 55108
10. Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center; Oregon State Univ.; Hermiston OR 97838
11. Dep. Plant Sciences; North Dakota State Univ.; Fargo ND 58108
12. Parma Research and Extension Center; Univ. of Idaho; Parma ID 83660