1. Dep. of Horticulture Michigan State Univ. 1066 Bogue St. East Lansing MI 48824
2. USDA‐ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station 2200 P. A. Campos Ave., Suite 201 Mayaguez PR 006805470
3. Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies The Islamia Univ. of Bahawalpur Punjab 63100 Pakistan
4. Univ. of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center 4502 Ave. I Scottsbluff NE 69361
5. MSU‐DOE Plant Research Laboratory Michigan State Univ. 612 Wilson Rd. East Lansing MI 48824
6. Dep. of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences Michigan State Univ. 1066 Bogue St. East Lansing MI 48824