1. Dep. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences; Virginia Tech; Blacksburg VA 24061
2. Dep. of Agronomy; Univ. of Wisconsin; Madison WI 53706
3. Carrington Research Extension Center; North Dakota State Univ.; Carrington ND 58421
4. Dep. of Plant Science; Pennsylvania State Univ.; University Park PA 16802
5. Dep. of Plant Sciences; Univ. of Wyoming; Laramie WY 82071
6. Dep. of Entomology; Univ. of Maryland; College Park MD 20742
7. Dep. of Plants, Soils and Climate; Utah State Univ.; Logan UT 84322
8. USDA-ARS; Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit; Univ. Park PA 16802
9. Dep. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences; Virginia Tech and Virginia Tech Southern Piedmont AREC; Blackstone VA 23824