Practical evaluation and prediction based on carbon sequestration forest decision model


Liu Runhao,Zheng Shichuang,Chen Ziming,Dou Chenkai,Guo Wenjie,Hao Yanan


A decision model for understanding forest use is developed and the model is applied to selected forests and evaluated in practice.To make a decision model for using forests, we use a meta-analysis method to look at how forest ecosystem services are worth and rank their value impacts. To figure out whether or not the forest can be left uncut and when it should be cut down, we look at carbon sequestration benefits, which is a significant factor in the operator's decision.We applied the forestry model to several forestry sites. We used it to the Sekhangba forest in China and forestry sites throughout New Zealand to predict the amount of CO2 absorbed in 100 years and give the corresponding forest management plan. We answered using the optimal rotation period given in the previous round for the transition strategy.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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