Musical Factors Influencing the Perceptual and Cognitive Reality of Schenkerian Hierarchic Structure in Music: A Qualitative Case Study


Peng Zixuan,Xie Xuejiao


The Schenkerian hierarchical structure, a fundamental concept in Schenkerian theory, offers a systematic approach to analyzing the underlying organization of tonal music. However, the extent to which listeners perceive and cognitively process these hierarchical structures remains an area of inquiry. This study investigates the influence of various musical factors on the perception and cognition of Schenkerian hierarchical structures. Through a qualitative research approach involving undergraduate music students, the research explores how elements such as harmony, structural position, linear progression, rhythm, meter, and intensified tones shape listeners' understanding of musical hierarchy. The findings highlight the predominant role of harmony, aligning with Schenkerian theory's emphasis on harmonic progression. Additionally, the study underscores the subjective nature of linear progression interpretation, influenced by individual musical backgrounds and training. The results suggest the need for a more comprehensive Schenkerian analysis framework that incorporates rhythm and intensified tones, as these factors were generally ranked lower in importance by participants. Despite limitations in sample size and experimental scope, this study provides a nuanced understanding of how listeners process and comprehend hierarchical structures in music.


Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd.

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