210Po and 210Pb content in the certain types of foodstuffs. Optimization of the analytical method


Kaduka M. V.1,Basalaeva L. N.1,Bekyasheva T. A.1,Ivanov S. A.1,Salazkina N. V.1,Stupina V. V.1,Kaduka A. N.2


1. Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Professor P.V. Ramzaev, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

2. Saint-Petersburg Tuberculosis Treatment Center №3


An article contents the review of the data on the content of polonium and lead content: 210Po, 210Pb in natural entities, obtained from literary sources. The review is given of the existing methods for 210Po and 210Pb content investigation in different entities as well as the analysis of the expedience of the applying of the given polonium and lead content investigation in the foodstuffs technique for the use in a method under development of the radiochemical laboratory of the Institute. More perfect and simple for realization than existing method is given for 210Po and 210Pb content investigation in the foodstuffs from a sample with not more than 1.0 kg weight with minimal detectable activity not more than 0.01 Bq. The results are given of the investigation of 210Po and 210Pb content in the certain types of the foodstuffs sampled in the kitchen gardens located in Leningrad region and bought in the trade network of Saint-Petersburg. Estimation of potential average annual population internal exposure dose (Eint) is carried out due to 210Po and 210Pb content in the investigated foodstuffs which are consumed by the local population. For the estimation of the internal exposure doses we used the data on the food rations of adult population of the settlement of the city type according to the data of Rosstat and Internet-resources. It is demonstrated that population internal exposure dose even from several natural radionuclides taking into account consumption of a limited set of foodstuffs could exceed the exposure dose from artificial radionuclide in tens times even for the territories radioactively contaminated after the Chernobyl NPP accident.


SPRI of Radiation Hygiene Prof. PV Ramzaev


Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging

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