Uranium isotopes content in the certain types of foodstuffs. Optimization of the analytical method


Kaduka M. V.,Bekjasheva T. A.,Ivanov S. A.,Stupina V. V.


An article contents the results of investigation of natural uranium isotopes content in the certain types of foodstuffs sampled in the kitchen gardens located in Leningrad region and bought in the trade network of Saint-Petersburg. More suitable and simple for realization than existing method is given for uranium isotopes (238U, 234U, 235U) content investigation in the foodstuffs from a sample with not more than 1,0 kg weight with minimal detectable activity not more than 0,02 Bq. Radiochemical investigations were carried out in 2018-2020. Estimation of potential average annual population internal exposure dose (Eint) have been carried out due to 238U and 234U content in the bread foodstuffs, black leaf tea, spicy herbs and salad greenery consumed by the local population. It is demonstrated that population internal exposure dose from uranium isotopes in the investigated types of foodstuffs could be about 0,0000022 mSv/ year. Estimated dose value is only small part of population internal exposure dose from uranium and even more so from total composition of natural radionuclides in the foodstuffs. At the same time toxic effect from soluble uranium as a chemical element prevails over its radiation effect.


Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

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