Poor adherence to health behaviors is one of the considerable challenges among drug users. This issue is especially noticeable among people who use injection methods for consumption, which increases the possibility of contracting HIV and hepatitis B and C. Therefore, it seems that adopting appropriate intervention approaches focusing on all dimensions of health-related behaviors to promote health behaviors is considered. As a result, in the present study, the effectiveness of a comprehensive educational program on promoting health behaviors and awareness of HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C in drug users was investigated.
This pretest–posttest quasi-experimental study was performed. The participants were 81 men with substance use disorders residing in a rehabilitation center. The participants took part in four training workshops. The workshops focused on mental health, awareness of HIV, and hepatitis B and C with learner-centered approaches.
According to the results, the mean score of the health behavior scale in the participants after receiving the intervention of the comprehensive program increased significantly (P < .001). Additionally, the analysis showed that 1 month after the end of the intervention, there was a significant increase in the AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C scale scores compared to before the intervention (P < .001).
Considering the adverse consequences of drug use, especially in users without social support, the need for education as a cost-effective approach to prevent diseases transmitted through high-risk behaviors such as HIV, and hepatitis B and C is considered a basic necessity.
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Springer Science and Business Media LLC