Efficacy of platelet-rich fibrin in promoting the healing of extraction sockets: a systematic review


Al-Maawi Sarah,Becker Kathrin,Schwarz Frank,Sader Robert,Ghanaati Shahram


Abstract Purpose To address the focused question: in patients with freshly extracted teeth, what is the efficacy of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in the prevention of pain and the regeneration of soft tissue and bone compared to the respective control without PRF treatment? Methods After an electronic data search in PubMed database, the Web of Knowledge of Thomson Reuters and hand search in the relevant journals, a total of 20 randomized and/or controlled studies were included. Results 66.6% of the studies showed that PRF significantly reduced the postoperative pain, especially in the first 1–3 days after tooth extraction. Soft tissue healing was significantly improved in the group of PRF compared to the spontaneous wound healing after 1 week (75% of the evaluated studies). Dimensional bone loss was significantly lower in the PRF group compared to the spontaneous wound healing after 8–15 weeks but not after 6 months. Socket fill was in 85% of the studies significantly higher in the PRF group compared to the spontaneous wound healing. Conclusions Based on the analyzed studies, PRF is most effective in the early healing period of 2–3 months after tooth extraction. A longer healing period may not provide any benefits. The currently available data do not allow any statement regarding the long-term implant success in sockets treated with PRF or its combination with biomaterials. Due to the heterogeneity of the evaluated data no meta-analysis was performed.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main


Springer Science and Business Media LLC








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