1. Roozbahani FS, Hojjati SN, Azad R. The role of E-payment tools and E-banking in customer satisfaction case study: Pasargad bank E-payment company. Int J Adv Netw Appl. 2015;7(2):2640–9.
2. Poorebrahimi A, Roozbahani FS. Effects of security and privacy concerns on using of cloud services in energy industry, an oil and gas company: a case study. Int J Adv Netw Appl. 2015;7(3):2779–83.
3. Skoric MM. The implications of big data for developing and transitional economies: extending the Triple Helix? Scientometrics. 2013;99(1):175–86.
4. Roozbahani FS, Azad R. Security solutions against computer networks threats. Int J Adv Netw Appl. 2015;7(1):2576–81.
5. Roozbahani FS, Barjouei RS, Hojjati SN. Identifying an appropriate model for information systems integration in the oil and gas industry. Int J Adv Netw Appl. 2018;10(1):3687–91.