AbstractThe amplitude scintillation detection is typically achieved by using the scintillation index generated by dedicated and costly ionospheric scintillation monitoring receivers (ISMRs). Considering the large volume of common Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, this paper presents a strategy to accurately identify the ionospheric amplitude scintillation events utilizing the measurements collected with geodetic GNSS receivers. The proposed detection method relies on a pre-trained machine learning decision tree algorithm, leveraging the scintillation index computed from the carrier-to-noise data and elevation angles collected at 1-Hz. The experimental results using real data demonstrate a 99% accuracy in scintillation detection can be achieved. By combining advanced machine learning techniques with geodetic GNSS receivers, this approach is feasible to effectively detect ionospheric scintillation using non-scintillation GNSS receivers.
Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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