1. Ligterink FJ, Di Pietro G. Canvas Paintings on Cold Walls : Relative Humidity Differences Near the Stretcher. In: Padfield T, Borchersen K, editors. Museum Microclimates. National Museum of Denmark; 2007. https://www.conservationphysics.org/mm/ligterink/ligterink.pdf.
2. Padfield T, Berg H, Dahlstrøm N Rischel AG. How to Protect Glazed Pictures from Climatic Insult. In: Roy V, editor. Proceedings of the Rio de Janiero Conference of the International Council of Museums - Committee for Conservation. London: James & James (Science Publishers), 2002;1:80–85. https://www.conservationphysics.org/framepic/glazedpics.pdf.
3. Padfield T, Padfield N. A Workshop Cool Plate. 2019. https://www.conservationphysics.org/coolplate/coolplate01.html.
4. CEN standard 16242:2012 Conservation of cultural heritage - Procedures and instruments for measuring humidity in the air and moisture exchanges between air and cultural property.
5. Please refer to Tim Padfield’s article on MR and AH: https://www.conservationphysics.org/teabag/ah_mr.html.