Verification and validation of ICME methods and models for aerospace applications


Cowles Bradford,Backman Dan,Dutton Rollie


AbstractIntegrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) model verification and validation (V&V) is difficult because materials processing, microstructural evolution, and property development contain a rich mix of length and time scales with an equally complex set of interacting phenomena and mechanisms. Beyond these difficulties, engineers who adapt these models rarely generate independent validation data sets to confirm model adequacy, quantify uncertainty, and identify potential error sources. Even when a validation data set is produced and applied, the range of model applicability is limited by the range on input model parameters contained within the data set. In this paper we provide a summary of a recommended approach to ICME V&V and include descriptions of V&V planning checklists, an ICME Tool Maturity Level assessment guide and examples of how such practitioner aids might be employed.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Materials Science

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