On the Russian Concept of Lād, 1830–1945


Ewell Philip1


1. Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center


Universally translated into English as “mode,” the Russian term лад (“lād”) first appeared in 1830 as a translation from German Tonart, which is usually translated into English as “tonality.” To Tchaikovsky a lād was, in fact, a tonality, but by century’s end lād had come to signify its pre-tonal cousin, mode. Boleslav Yavorsky’s work on the subject in the early twentieth century gave lād new post-modal and post-tonal meaning with respect to quasi-tonal and post-tonal music. In this article, I delve deeply into the history of this uniquely Russian concept, from its inception to its highly modified mid-twentieth century form. Rather than trying to find an English equivalent, I leave “lād” in its transliterated form, which disentangles it from inaccurate translations. I examine a 1945 Chopin analysis by Yavorsky’s student, Sergei Protopopov, which outlines new interpretations for Russian lād. Sketches for this analysis, from the Russian National Museum of Music, provide a backdrop for a reexamination of basic tonal constructs such as cadence, phrase, form, harmonic function, and melodic diminution. I then look at a famous 1930 conference on Yavorsky’s theories as an example of the high stakes involved in creating a Marxist musical science, in which lād played a primary role. I also briefly discuss Yavorsky’s theories as a counterweight to Hugo Riemann’s encroaching functionality, which was brought to Russia by Gregori Catoire in the early twentieth century. It is my hope that this work on lād will fill in many gaps for the English-language reader, and possibly spur further studies on this uniquely Russian concept.


Society for Music Theory



Reference70 articles.

1. Alieva, Imina 2017. “Интонационная система азербайджанских ладов в контексте современной теории музыки” (The intonational system of Azerbaijani lāds in the context of contemporary music theory). PhD diss., Bakinskaia Muzykal’naia Akademiia imeni Uzeira Gadzhibeĭli.

2. Anonymous. 1930. “Conference on the theory of lādovy rhythm” (Конференция по теории ладового ритма). Пролетарский музыкант (Proletarian musician), No. 2: 6–9.

3. Aranovsky, Mark. 2012. “Теоретическая концепция Б. Л. Яворского” (The theoretical conception of Boleslav Yavorsky). In Искусство музыки: теория и история (The art of music: Theory and history) 6: 39–58.

4. Asafiev, Boris [1930 and 1947] 1971 Музыкальная форма как процесс (Musical form as process). 2 vols. 2nd ed. Muzyka.

5. Bakulina, Ellen. 2014. “The Concept of Mutability in Russian Theory.” Music Theory Online 20 (3).

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