One more step toward a warmer Arctic


Polyakov Igor V.1,Beszczynska Agnieszka2,Carmack Eddy C.3,Dmitrenko Igor A.1,Fahrbach Eberhard2,Frolov Ivan E.4,Gerdes Rüdiger2,Hansen Edmond5,Holfort Jürgen5,Ivanov Vladimir V.1,Johnson Mark A.6,Karcher Michael27,Kauker Frank27,Morison James8,Orvik Kjell A.9,Schauer Ursula2,Simmons Harper L.1,Skagseth Øystein9,Sokolov Vladimir T.4,Steele Michael8,Timokhov Leonid A.4,Walsh David10,Walsh John E.1


1. International Arctic Research Center; University of Alaska Fairbanks; Fairbanks Alaska USA

2. Alfred-Wegener Institut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung; Bremerhaven Germany

3. Department of Fisheries and Oceans; Sydney, British Columbia Canada

4. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute; St. Petersburg Russia

5. Norwegian Polar Institute; Tromsø Norway

6. Institute of Marine Science; University of Alaska Fairbanks; Fairbanks Alaska USA

7. O.A.Sys - Ocean Atmosphere Systems GbR; Hamburg Germany

8. Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA

9. Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, GI/UB; Bergen Norway

10. Naval Research Laboratory; Washington D. C. USA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Geophysics

Reference20 articles.

1. Partial recovery of the Arctic Ocean halocline;Boyd;Geophys. Res. Lett.,2002

2. Evidence for warming of Atlantic water in the southern Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean: Results from the Larsen-93 expedition;Carmack;Geophys. Res. Lett.,1995

3. The great salinity anomaly in the northern North Atlantic 1968-1982;Dickson;Prog. Oceanogr.,1988

4. Environmental Working Group 1997 Joint U.S.-Russian atlas of the Arctic Ocean Natl. Snow and Ice Data Cent. Boulder, Colo

5. On anomalous sea surface temperatures in the Nordic Seas;Furevik;J. Clim.,2000

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