Causally‐Informed Deep Learning to Improve Climate Models and Projections


Iglesias‐Suarez Fernando1ORCID,Gentine Pierre23ORCID,Solino‐Fernandez Breixo1,Beucler Tom4ORCID,Pritchard Michael56ORCID,Runge Jakob78,Eyring Veronika19ORCID


1. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft‐ und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Institute of Atmospheric Physics Oberpfaffenhofen Germany

2. Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering Center for Learning the Earth with Artificial intelligence and Physics (LEAP) Columbia University New York NY USA

3. Earth and Environmental Engineering Earth and Environmental Sciences Learning the Earth with Artificial intelligence and Physics (LEAP) Science and Technology Center Columbia University New York NY USA

4. University of Lausanne Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics Lausanne Switzerland

5. Department of Earth System Science University of California Irvine CA USA

6. NVIDIA Corporation Santa Clara CA USA

7. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft‐ und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) Institute of Data Science Jena Germany

8. Technische Universität Berlin Institute of Computer Engineering and Microelectronics Berlin Germany

9. University of Bremen Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) Bremen Germany


AbstractClimate models are essential to understand and project climate change, yet long‐standing biases and uncertainties in their projections remain. This is largely associated with the representation of subgrid‐scale processes, particularly clouds and convection. Deep learning can learn these subgrid‐scale processes from computationally expensive storm‐resolving models while retaining many features at a fraction of computational cost. Yet, climate simulations with embedded neural network parameterizations are still challenging and highly depend on the deep learning solution. This is likely associated with spurious non‐physical correlations learned by the neural networks due to the complexity of the physical dynamical system. Here, we show that the combination of causality with deep learning helps removing spurious correlations and optimizing the neural network algorithm. To resolve this, we apply a causal discovery method to unveil causal drivers in the set of input predictors of atmospheric subgrid‐scale processes of a superparameterized climate model in which deep convection is explicitly resolved. The resulting causally‐informed neural networks are coupled to the climate model, hence, replacing the superparameterization and radiation scheme. We show that the climate simulations with causally‐informed neural network parameterizations retain many convection‐related properties and accurately generate the climate of the original high‐resolution climate model, while retaining similar generalization capabilities to unseen climates compared to the non‐causal approach. The combination of causal discovery and deep learning is a new and promising approach that leads to stable and more trustworthy climate simulations and paves the way toward more physically‐based causal deep learning approaches also in other scientific disciplines.


HORIZON EUROPE European Research Council

HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme

Columbia University

National Science Foundation

Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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