1. Al‐Momar S. Deierling W. Williams J.K.(2015) Examining in‐cloud convective turbulence in relation to total lightning and the 3D wind field of severe thunderstorms 17th Conf. on Aviation Range and Aerospace Meteorology Phoenix AZ Amer. Meteor. Soc. 5.3.
2. Bain A. L.(2013)Polarimetric Doppler Radar and Electrical Observations of Deep Moist Convection across Northern Alabama during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment Master's Thesis The University of Alabama in Huntsville 148 pp.https://www.nsstc.uah.edu/armor/publications/Bain_thesis.pdf
3. Bain A. L R.Matthee andL.Carey(2013) Polarimetric radar and electrical observations of deep moist convection across northern Alabama during the DC3 Experiment 4A.5 AMS 36th Conference on Radar Meteorology Breckenridge CO September 16‐20 2013 https://ams.confex.com/ams/36Radar/webprogram/Paper228662.html
4. The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Campaign
5. Evaluation of a new lightning-produced NO<sub>x</sub> parameterization for cloud resolving models and its associated uncertainties