Lightning NOx in the 29–30 May 2012 Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Severe Storm and Its Downwind Chemical Consequences


Pickering Kenneth E.1ORCID,Li Yunyao12ORCID,Cummings Kristin A.13ORCID,Barth Mary C.4ORCID,Allen Dale J.1ORCID,Bruning Eric C.5ORCID,Pollack Ilana B.6ORCID


1. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Maryland College Park MD USA

2. Now at Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences George Mason University Fairfax VA USA

3. Now at NASA Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island FL USA

4. Atmospheric Composition Observation and Modeling Laboratory National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA

5. Department of Geosciences Texas Tech University Lubbock TX USA

6. Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University Ft. Collins CO USA


AbstractA cloud‐resolved storm and chemistry simulation of a severe convective system in Oklahoma constrained by anvil aircraft observations of NOx was used to estimate the mean production of NOx per flash in this storm. An upward ice flux scheme was used to parameterize flash rates in the model. Model lightning was also constrained by observed lightning flash types and the altitude distribution of flash channel segments. The best estimate of mean NOx production by lightning in this storm was 80–110 mol per flash, which is smaller than many other literature estimates. This result is likely due to the storm having been a high flash rate event in which flash extents were relatively small. Over the evolution of this storm a moderate negative correlation was found between the total flash rate and flash extent and energy per flash. A longer‐term simulation at 36‐km horizontal resolution with parameterized convection was used to simulate the downwind transport and chemistry of the anvil outflow from the same storm. Convective transport of low‐ozone air from the boundary layer decreased ozone in the anvil outflow by up to 20–40 ppbv compared with the initial conditions, which contained stratospheric influence. Photochemical ozone production in the lightning‐NOx enhanced convective plume proceeded at a rate of 10–11 ppbv per day in the 9–11 km outflow layer over the 24‐hr period of downwind transport to the Southern Appalachians. Photochemical production plays a large role in the restoration of upper tropospheric ozone following deep convection.


Earth Sciences Division

National Science Foundation


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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