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2. Benna M. Bougher S. Roeten K. Lee Y. &Mahaffy P.(2018).Global circulation in the Martian thermosphere as revealed by MAVEN AGU 2018 P32B‐03.
3. First measurements of composition and dynamics of the Martian ionosphere by MAVEN's Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer
4. Bougher S. Benna M. Erdal Y. Lee Y. Lopez‐Valverde M. Gonzales‐Galindo F. Mahaffy P. &Roeten K.(2018).Comparison between MAVEN/NGIMS thermospheric winds and M‐GITM model simulations: Processes driving winds 42ndCOSPAR Scientific Assembly 2018 Abstract ID: C3.2‐13‐18.
5. MGS Radio Science electron density profiles: Interannual variability and implications for the Martian neutral atmosphere