Life in the Atacama: A scoring system for habitability and the robotic exploration for life


Hock Andrew N.1,Cabrol Nathalie A.23,Dohm James M.4,Piatek Jennifer5,Warren-Rhodes Kim23,Weinstein Shmuel6,Wettergreen David S.7,Grin Edmond A.23,Moersch Jeffrey5,Cockell Charles S.8,Coppin Peter9,Ernst Lauren6,Fisher Gregory6,Hardgrove Craig5,Marinangeli Lucia10,Minkley Edwin6,Ori Gian Gabriele10,Waggoner Alan6,Wyatt Mike5,Smith Trey7,Thompson David7,Wagner Michael7,Jonak Dominic7,Stubbs Kristen7,Thomas Geb11,Pudenz Erin11,Glasgow Justin11


1. Department of Earth and Space Sciences; University of California, Los Angeles; Los Angeles California USA

2. Space Science Division; NASA Ames Research Center; Moffett Field California USA

3. SETI Institute; Mountain View California USA

4. Hydrology and Water Resources Department; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA

5. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; University of Tennessee; Knoxville Tennessee USA

6. Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center; Mellon Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA

7. Robotics Institute; Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA

8. Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute; Open University; Milton Keynes UK

9. Eventscope, Remote Experience and Learning Laboratory, Studio for Creative Inquiry; Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA

10. International Research School of Planetary Sciences; Pescara Italy

11. GROK Laboratory; University of Iowa; Iowa City Iowa USA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Earth-Surface Processes,Geochemistry and Petrology,Soil Science,Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Aquatic Science,Forestry,Oceanography,Geophysics







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