1. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of Colorado Boulder Boulder CO USA
2. Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado Boulder Boulder CO USA
3. Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences University of Colorado Boulder Boulder CO USA
4. Chemical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder CO USA
5. National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA
6. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado Boulder Boulder CO USA
7. National Severe Storms Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Norman OK USA
8. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Maryland College Park MD USA
9. Kennedy Space Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Merritt Island FL USA
10. Goddard Space Flight Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Greenbelt MD USA
11. School of Meteorology University of Oklahoma Norman OK USA
12. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland WA USA
13. Department of Atmospheric Science University of Alabama Huntsville AL USA