1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Cornell University Ithaca NY USA
2. Earth and Environmental Systems Institute The Pennsylvania State University University Park PA USA
3. Department of Geosciences The Pennsylvania State University University Park PA USA
4. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland WA USA
5. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge TN USA
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden CO USA
7. Michigan Technological University Houghton MI USA
8. Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Hanover NH USA
9. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign Urbana IL USA
10. Department of Land, Air and Water Resources University of California Davis Davis CA USA
11. Climate Adaptation Research Center University of California Davis Davis CA USA
12. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA USA
13. Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering Cornell University Ithaca NY USA
14. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Washington Seattle WA USA