1. Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric SciencePennsylvania State University University Park PA USA
2. Division of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCalifornia Institute of Technology Pasadena CA USA
3. Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling LaboratoryNational Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO USA
4. Department of ChemistryUniversity of California Irvine CA USA
5. Earth Science DivisionNASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field CA USA
6. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of Lamont‐Doherty Earth ObservatoryColumbia University Palisades NY USA
7. Department of Earth and Planetary SciencesHarvard University Cambridge MA USA
8. Chemistry and Dynamics BranchNASA Langley Research Center Hampton VA USA
9. Global Monitoring DivisionEarth System Research Laboratory, NOAA Boulder CO USA
10. Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics LaboratoryNASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD USA
11. Joint Center for Earth Systems TechnologyUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore MD USA
12. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental SciencesUniversity of Colorado Boulder Boulder CO USA
13. Division of Geological and Planetary SciencesCalifornia Institute of Technology Pasadena CA USA
14. Chemical Sciences DivisionEarth System Research Laboratory, NOAA Boulder CO USA
15. Earth System Science Interdisciplinary CenterUniversity of Maryland College Park MD USA
16. Now with Divergent 3D Los Angeles CA USA
17. Now with Scientific Aviation Boulder CO USA