1. Working Group on Alternatives to Primary Skin Irritation Test, Japanese Society of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE)
2. Shiseido Global Innovation Center
3. Faculty of Family and Consumer Sciences, Kamakura Women’s University
4. L’Oréal Research & Innovation, France
5. Cosmos Technical Center Co., Ltd.
6. Kurabo Industries Ltd.
7. Mandom Corp.
8. KOSÉ Corp., Ltd.
9. L’Oréal Research & Innovation
10. Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd.
11. Nikoderm Research Inc.
12. Institute of Beauty and Health Science
13. Division of Biostatistics, Department of Social/Comunity Medicine and Health Science, Kobe University School of Medicine
14. Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University
15. Pola Chemical Industries, Inc.
16. Kihara Memorial Yokohama Foundation