Prevalence of clinical manifestations of temporomandibular osteoarthrosis




1. “Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic Timisoara

2. “University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy


Introduction. The two compartments, disco-temporal and condilo-discal, which make up the temporo-mandibular joint, fulfill the functions of the stomatognathic system, namely: phonation, mastication and swallowing. The temporo-mandibular degenerative pathology is one of the 5 clinical entities given by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain in 1993. The symptoms are varied, dominated by pain, impaired joint mobility, cracks, sensation of muscle fatigue in the masseter and temporal muscles. Most cases benefit from conservative treatment, consisting of anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory medication, specific orthodontic treatment, electrotherapy (TENS, ultrasound, magnetodiaflux, laser), kinesiotherapy. 2-5% of patients require surgery. Material and method. We performed a retrospective study, over a 9-year period (January 2010-March 2019), in which we included 503 patients who went to the Timisoara Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic, with a definite diagnosis of temporomandibular algodisfunctional syndrome, of different etiologies, between the ages of 6 and 85 years. We evaluated the etiology of temporomandibular algodisfunctional syndrome, the prevalence of clinical manifestations in temporomandibular osteoarthritis and their evolution after 10 days of conservative treatment. Results and discussions. Pain is present in 100% of cases, the values obtained in these patients with temporomandibular osteoarthritis are between 10 and 40mm. Cracks are present in women in the percentage of 40.8% and 37.9% in men; mobility limitation is found in women in 11% of cases, and in men in 15% of cases. Conclusions. The existence of a protocol for the diagnosis of TM osteoarthritis is essential to establish the treatment plan and prognosis of the disease. The pain from osteoarthritis TM is low intensity, present in all patients; cracks and limiting mobility are present in comparable proportions, regardless of gender. The response to treatment was optimal at 21 days of treatment.


Romanian Association of Balneology

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