1. Department of Biotechnology, BCKV
2. Department of Genetics, BCKV
3. AICRP on Tuber Crops, BCKV
4. Regional Centre of Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
Taro is an important tropical tuber crop, used as a staple food or subsistence food by millions of people in the developing countries. A program was done to analyze and identify the same promising 20 selected local and Indian accessions taro, aiming at the characterization of the extent and distribution of genetic diversity using morphological marker with the define objectives ‘to find genetic variability amongst the 20 taro genotypes collected from different agro-climatic zones in India, in respect of plant physical (like length of main sucker, no of petioles, length of leaf lamina, wt. of side tuber, number of side tuber, estimated Corm yield, breadth of leaf lamina)’. The present study revealed that the genetic diversity recorded through physical parameters corresponded with the genetic diversity revealed through molecular data analysis. On the basis of D2 statistics the 20 genotypes were grouped into six different clusters (I-VI). Most of the local taro genotypes collected from different locations (BCC-1, BCC-2, BCC10, BCC15, BCC18, BCC-21, BCC24 and BCC-25) were placed in Cluster II with moderate intra cluster distance indicating their closeness, and showed similar phenotypic characters. The genotypes viz. FC-4, FC-11 and PKS-1 were found to distantly relate to other genotypes and were grouped into Cluster III.
Enviro Research Publishers
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