Altamimi Mohammad,Hamdan May,Badrasawi Manal,Allahham Saad
Objectives: The use of dietary supplements (DS) has increased, but due to a lack of related regulations, the prescription of DS depends on pharmacists’ knowledge. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to DS among community-based pharmacists. Methods: This study followed a cross-sectional design targeting community pharmacists in West Bank, Palestine between September and December 2019. Selected participants filled a self-administered questionnaire regarding their KAP related to DS. The questionnaire contained 15 items: five questions on knowledge, seven on practices and three on attitudes. Results: At a 90% response rate, 56.2% of the representative sample was female. The participants’ experience was distributed almost equally across the categories of 0–5, 5–10 and over 10 years. Additionally, a majority of the participants were the responsible pharmacist and/or the pharmacy owner. Overall, the participants showed a moderate level of knowledge about DS with a mean score of 3.68 ± 1.1 out of 5; the correct answers ranged from 3.6% to 75.3% of the surveyed participants. The practices with the highest frequencies were as follows: taking DS sometimes (79.9%), taking supplements from well-known brands (56.2%), giving supplements to any patient (55.7%), selling supplements according to the participants’ knowledge (74.2%) and providing advice about supplements (73.2%). The questions about the pharmacists’ attitudes towards DS market regulation revealed that more than half (52%) of the participants believed that it was suitable. The association between knowledge score and practices was highly significant (P <0.001). Conclusion: The study revealed that participants had moderate knowledge about DS. Additionally, knowledge and practices were highly connected.
Keywords: Dietary Supplements; Pharmacists; Knowledge; Attitude; General Practice; Curriculum.
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