This study examined the efficacy of a metacognitive intervention programme in a classroom group of 33 third-grade students. Two groups were formed: the intervention group with students in the classroom who showed reading delay and cognitive attention processes (n=8) and the comparison group (n=25). In the intervention group, a planning facilitation programme was implemented that aimed to improve inhibition processes and, correspondingly, overall reading comprehension indices. The Das-Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System (D.N: CAS; Naglieri & Das, 1997) was used to measure attention processes. For reading processes, the Catalan et al. (2010) Reading Comprehension Assessment (ACL) test was used. The measurements were taken at pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The results showed that the intervention group equalled the comparison group in reading comprehension and significantly improved in inhibition processes in the post and follow-up measures. It is concluded that the programme has had an impact on improving inhibition processes when facing reading activities.