1. Ahmed NN, Franke TF, Bellacosa A, Datta K, Gonzalez-Portal ME, Taguchi T, Testa JR, Tsichlis PN. The proteins encoded by c-akt and v-akt differ in post-translational modification, subcellular localization and oncogenic potential. Oncogene 8: 1957–1963, 1993.
2. Bellacosa A, Franke TF, Gonzalez-Portal ME, Datta K, Taguchi T, Gardner J, Cheng JQ, Testa JR, Tsichlis PN. Structure, expression and chromosomal mapping of c-akt: relationship to v-akt and its implications. Oncogene 8: 745–754, 1993.
3. Activation of AKT Kinases in Cancer: Implications for Therapeutic Targeting
4. Ten years of protein kinase B signalling: a hard Akt to follow
5. PKB Binding Proteins