Altered energetic properties in skeletal muscle of men with well-controlled insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes


Crowther Gregory J.1,Milstein Jerrold M.2,Jubrias Sharon A.3,Kushmerick Martin J.314,Gronka Rodney K.3,Conley Kevin E.314


1. Physiology and Biophysics, and

2. Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Washington 98105

3. Departments of Radiology,

4. Bioengineering, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle 98195; and


This study asked whether the energetic properties of muscles are changed by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (or type 1 diabetes), as occurs in obesity and type 2 diabetes. We used 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure glycolytic flux, oxidative flux, and contractile cost in the ankle dorsiflexor muscles of 10 men with well-managed type 1 diabetes and 10 age- and activity-matched control subjects. Each subject performed sustained isometric muscle contractions lasting 30 and 120 s while attempting to maintain 70–75% of maximal voluntary contraction force. An altered glycolytic flux in type 1 diabetic subjects relative to control subjects was apparent from significant differences in pH in muscle at rest and at the end of the 120-s bout. Glycolytic flux during exercise began earlier and reached a higher peak rate in diabetic patients than in control subjects. A reduced oxidative capacity in the diabetic patients' muscles was evident from a significantly slower phosphocreatine recovery from a 30-s exercise bout. Our findings represent the first characterization of the energetic properties of muscle from type 1 diabetic patients. The observed changes in glycolytic and oxidative fluxes suggest a diabetes-induced shift in the metabolic profile of muscle, consistent with studies of obesity and type 2 diabetes that point to common muscle adaptations in these diseases.


American Physiological Society


Physiology (medical),Physiology,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism







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