Alterations in lipids and minerals in relation to larval trematode infections of Nerita polita marine snails
Hassan A. H.12, Alhazmi N. S.3, Filimban A. AR.1, Alsulami M. N.4
1. Biology Department, College of Sciences, King Abdulaziz University , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia 2. Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University , Sohag , Egypt 3. Biology Department, College of Applied Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University , Makkah , Saudi Arabia 4. Biology Department, College of Science, University of Jeddah , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
Marine snails provide an important source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, and their mucus has a therapeutic significance. Parasitic infection of larval trematodes in these snails affects their nutritional value. The present study aimed to screen Nerita polita marine snails for the prevalence of cercarial infections and to evaluate the changes in lipids and some minerals in the infected as well as non-infected ones. Snails were collected randomly from February 2018 to January 2019 from the Red Sea Obhor bay, Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. The amount of triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids in the Digestive Gland Gonad Complex (DGG), hemolymph, and Snail Conditioned Water (SCW) of non-infected and infected Nerita polita snail was estimated using a spectrophotometer. Minerals content such as Ca, Zn, Pb, Na, Mn, Mg, K, Fe, Cu, and Cd, in the DGG and shell in the infected and non-infected snails were analyzed using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). Two types of cercariae were detected, ocellate furcocercus cercaria (Trichobilharzia regent) and xiphidiocercaria (Litorina saxatilis VII). The study showed that there is a fl uctuation in the concentration of lipids and minerals between increase and decrease in DGG, hemolymph, shell, and SCW in infected snails. The nutritive value of the snails is affected with infection through the decrease of some lipids and minerals in infected snails. Further qualitative studies are needed.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Animal Science and Zoology,Parasitology
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