Plasma Polishing of Stainless Steels – The Electrolyte Concentration Vs. Gloss Level


Podhorský Štefan1,Bajčičák Martin1


1. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava , Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Institute of Production Technologies , Ulica Jána Bottu 2781/25, 917 24 Trnava , Slovak Republic


Abstract The technology of plasma polishing in electrolyte is considered as environmental friendly alternative to the common electrochemical polishing process. The solutions of the electrolyte use no acids or toxicants, but the environmental safe, low concentrated aqueous solutions of various inorganic salts are used instead. The dependence of the gloss level of the treated surface upon the electrolyte concentration as well as upon the voltage is examined in this paper. The specimens of stainless steel were used for plasma polishing in ammonium sulphate based electrolyte. The influence of the voltage on the overall properties of the process is discussed, as well.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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