Analysis of Cluster Support Based on the Example of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative


Młodzianowski Daniel1ORCID


1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Management , Warsaw , POLAND


Abstract The article is about the issue of cluster development support. For this purpose, the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) was analysed. It is the most common measure in Europe to support the development of clusters. It was developed by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. The ECEI inspires national and regional cluster development programmes. As part of the research work, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of Polish clusters and a survey was conducted with representatives of European clusters. On their basis, it was established that the activities offered under the ECEI meet the expectations placed on it by the creators. However, this does not mean that it is a perfect system. A number of areas were identified that require changes. Some suggestions are simple to implement, while others are more complicated. These recommendations require changes that the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis should review and decide on them.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Strategy and Management

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