European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): A promising candidate for future forest ecosystems in Central Europe amid climate change


Fuchs Zdeněk1,Vacek Zdeněk1,Vacek Stanislav1,Cukor Jan12,Šimůnek Václav1,Štefančík Igor3,Brabec Pavel1,Králíček Ivo4


1. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague , Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences , Kamýcká 129 , , Prague 6, Czech Republic

2. Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, v. v. i. , Strnady 136 , Jíloviště , Czech Republic

3. National Forest Centre – Forest Research Institute Zvolen , T. G. Masaryka 2175/22 , Zvolen , Slovak Republic

4. University of Hradec Králové , Faculty of Science , Rokitanského 62 , Hradec Králové , Czech Republic


Abstract On the one hand, the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is the tree of the future due to ongoing climate changes, on the other hand, there are questions about its expansion and economic use as a replacement for the declining Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). This literature review examines 140 studies summarizing basic research on beech in the context of climate change. As a climax tree species, beech is becoming dominant again in parts of its original range at the middle and higher altitudes of Central Europe, following spruce. It is a shade-loving species that can thrive in various types of mixed forest stands. To cultivate beech, close-to-nature methods, shelterwood, or selection management are optimal. The occurrence of the beech seed year is influenced by factors such as precipitation, temperature, drought, and air pollution. Although beech is generally considered resistant to abiotic and biotic factors, it often needs protection against hoofed game browsing in the earliest stages of development. As climate change progresses, it is essential to cultivate beech in areas rich in precipitation and nutrients where it can thrive even under more extreme conditions. In optimal conditions, beech has shown intensive regeneration in recent years, aggressively displacing other tree species. However, with insufficient precipitation and prolonged periods of drought, beech loses its vigor, production, and ability to compete. For adaptation to climate change, it is recommended to select appropriate beech provenance, promote natural regeneration, and cultivate structurally differentiated stands through positive-selection thinning from above.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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