Current and simulated structure, growth parameters and regeneration of beech forests with different game management in the Lány Game Enclosure / Struktura, růstové parametry, obnova a modelový vývoj bukových porostů s odlišným způsobem mysliveckého hospodaření v podmínkách Lánské obory


Ambrož Robin,Vacek Stanislav,Vacek Zdeněk,Král Jan,Štefančík Igor


AbstractThe paper presents the results of the study of the current and simulated structure of beech forests in the Lány game preserve, which is situated in the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted at two permanent research plots (PRP) of 0.25 ha in size in a mature beech forest using the FieldMap technology. Typological, soil and phytocoenological stand characteristics and the history of management of both PRP are comparable; however, they differ in the protection against wildlife. The results demonstrated that deer species including red deer (Cervus elaphus L. - 300 head), sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon Temm. - 300 head), mouflon (Ovis musimon Pallas - 250 head) and fallow deer (Dama dama L. - 300 head) is a limiting factor for successful development of natural regeneration of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Natural regeneration on PRP 1 with wild boar herd (Sus scrofa L. - 150 head) is sufficient in relation to site and stand conditions. On the contrary, there is no regeneration on PRP 2 with the occurrence of deer species. The results of biometric measurements and subsequent predictions by the SIBYLA forest biodynamics simulator indicate that the stands are insignificantly structured, mature, productive beech stands with the absence of individuals in the lower tree layer.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH



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