1. Free University of Amsterdam
Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper
In order to pinpoint its proprium, it is necessary to understand John Calvin’s Eucharistic
theology within the wider context of the intra-Protestant debates of his time. As a second-
generation Reformer, Calvin developed his ideas explicitly in reaction to and as a middle
way between the Lutheran and Swiss Reformed discussions of the 1520’s. To that end this essay
first focuses on the main developments from the Middle Ages onwards, and then presents
Calvin from the perspective of the positions taken up by some of his contemporaries, in particular
Philipp Melanchthon. Next, some representative texts written by Calvin himself are analysed.
Although Calvin’s Eucharistic views were not from the beginning a coherent and unified
doctrine but developed only gradually, they may be described in a systematic-synthetic way.
With respect to the matter of closed, open, and frequent communion, it is observed that for
Calvin a regular celebration is essential to the deepening of the believer’s union with Christ.
Cited by
3 articles.
1. Bibliography;As Often As You Eat This Bread;2022-11-14
2. Incarnation and Ascension: The Forgotten Relationship of the Two Doctrines;Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan;2022-07-23
3. The Lord’s Supper and the Resurrection of the Body;Journal of Reformed Theology;2021-10-08