A Sensory Evaluation of Arabica Gayo Coffee Flavour Based on Varieties and Processing Techniques


Fadhil Rahmat1,Nurba Diswandi1,Fachruddin Fachruddin2


1. 1 Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture , Universitas Syiah Kuala , Jalan Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee No. 3, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111 , Indonesia

2. 2 Department of Civil Engineering , Universitas Teuku Umar , Jalan Alue Peunyareng, Meulaboh, Meureubo, Aceh Barat, 23617 , Indonesia


Abstract Post-harvest handling of coffee is one of the main factors in producing a high-quality coffee, including its processing techniques. This study aimed to conduct a sensory evaluation of arabica Gayo coffee flavour in various varieties and processing techniques. There were four selected coffee varieties in this study, namely Bor-bor, Tim Tim Aceh, Bergendal and Ateng Super, which were obtained from the garden of farmers in Gayo Highlands, Province of Aceh, Indonesia. The coffee processing methods used in this study were both dry and wet processing techniques. The sensory assessment of arabica Gayo coffee flavour was carried out by ten panelists by evaluating the acceptance of the product based on the level of preference. The sensory assessment of flavour included fragrance, flavour, after-taste, acidity, balance, body, and overall based on the panelist decision values using the exponential comparison method (ECM/MPE). Results showed that the wet processing technique was the most suitable technique for arabica Gayo coffee based on the preference of panelists compared to the dry processing technique. Arabica Gayo coffee varieties that have the highest acceptance value by panelists in sequence were Bor-bor varieties (1st choice), Tim Tim Aceh (2nd choice), Ateng Super (3rd choice), and Bergendal (4th choice). Therefore, the Bor-bor variety was the most important coffee variety recommended to be developed by the farmers compared to other coffee varieties.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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