1. A. A. Klyuvitkin, M. D. Kravchishina, I. A. Nemirovskaya, et al., “Studies of sediment systems of the European Arctic during cruise 75 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh,” Oceanology (Engl. Transl.) 60, 421–423 (2020).
2. A. A. Klyuvitkin, A. N. Novigatsky, N. V. Politova, and E. V. Koltovskaya, “Studies of sedimentary matter fluxes along a long-term transoceanic transect in the North Atlantic and Arctic interaction area,” Oceanology (Engl. Transl.) 59, 411–421 (2019).
3. M. D. Kravchishina, A. Yu. Lein, A. G. Boev, et al., “Hydrothermal mineral assemblages at 71° N of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (first results),” Oceanology (Engl. Transl.) 59, 941–959 (2019).
4. A. P. Lisitzin, “Modern conceptions on sediment formation in the oceans and seas: Ocean as the natural recorder of geospheres’ interaction,” in The World Ocean, Vol. 2: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of the Ocean. Sedimentation in the Ocean and Interaction of Earth’s Geospheres, Ed. by L. I. Lobkovskii and R. I. Nigmatulin (Nauchnyi Mir, Moscow, 2014), pp. 331–571.
5. Generalized maps of the ice conditions of the Arctic Ocean. http://www.aari.ru/odata/_d0015.php.